Today I took Pee Wee to the vet. His eye is not looking good. It turns out he has 2 ulcers in his eye and needs surgery. I know that not everyone is a pet lover. So it can be hard to understand why seeing my little dog with his eye messed up causes me stress and sadness. I can’t speak for everyone, I just know for me that I have a special bond with my little PeeWee.

I got my little dog when I was newly off of meth. I had gotten a kitten (a beautiful abyssinian) and he would get depressed if he was alone too long. So then I got PeeWee. At that time in my life I really didn’t go out much. I went in to the office a couple of times per week, otherwise, I worked from home. I had cut out all my friendships and anyone related to my drug period. So I really didn’t socialize much. I was going to therapy. That was about it. So for several months it was me PeeWee and Baraka (the cat).

PeeWee would sleep next to me, follow me around the house and get super excited when I got home. He was very healing for me. At that time, I just didn’t feel safe being around people so my little animals were my family. It was really fun to run around the apartment and play with them. They helped me to regenerate back in to life after 3 1/2 years of using meth.

Sadly, Baraka got hit by a car and was killed a couple of years after I got him. PeeWee started having seizures a week later. They never figured out exactly what caused them, yet he seems to get them under stress. I’ve had PeeWee for over 7 years now. He’s been through so much with me. Several moves, a few roommates and now a marriage. He has a pal named Princess (a silky terrier) that he loves dearly. He is starting to develop arthritis and it’s very sad for me to watch him slow down. I remember the cute little fluffy puppy that ran around like a wild man. He’s a little slower now.

I know that there will be a day (hopefully long in the future) when I won’t have PeeWee anymore. And that’s not something I look forward to. He represents a major turning point in my life. He’s extremely loyal and though he has a quirky personality he’s very loving. I don’t like the idea of seeing my little guy have surgery. I really believe that he was a gift from God at just the right time.