I recently attended a Jack Canfield event call “One Day to Greatness”. Jack Canfield is the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, along with several other books including, The Power of Focus. It was a great reminder of the power of intention. Setting our sites on what is within our hearts and finding that things come as a result.

My husband and I often set 90 day goals in a variety of different categories (i.e. Spiritual, physical, emotional. vocational, mental, relational). We choose 3 – 4 goals and make certain that they are S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable & Timely). Five days per week we hold each other accountable for taking one step toward each goal. Those steps can be small. It could be an email, a phone call, 15 minutes of reading, 20 minutes of research and so on. The point is that we are taking a step each day.

What I find amazing is that just by setting my mind on the goal itself and taking steps in the direction of the goal, solutions and support seem to appear out of nowhere.

Recently, I set a goal to increase my following on social media by 50 percent. I don’t always have time to attend to the daily tasks of posting and creating more followers, yet I realize that it is necessary to increase business and gain more exposure for my upcoming book. That Monday, my husband and I met in the morning over breakfast and I placed my one step on my daily “to do” list. I will post something today.

Later that day, I received a call from a friend of mine. He is a creative and a marketer. He said, “Hey Sandi, I have this idea for you. It’s a women’s talk show that would air monthly for thirty minutes as a Facebook Live stream. Every month, you can have a different topic with guests. The theme is women that have overcome in certain areas of their lives. We will video tape this and I will edit it in to smaller videos that will also be part of a youtube channel.”

I immediately became excited. “Derrick, this is brilliant!”

Since that conversation, we have met, vetted out the first show, identified the guests, met with the director and will be doing a taped rehearsal on Saturday that will give us footage to promote the live show.  I am overwhelmed by the support of my friend, the guests and all the people who are coming together to make it happen. I am certain that the show will be an inspiration and hope to many. The first topic is on sexual abuse and will showcase the difference between living in avoidance and denial, which bring frustration and fear or taking the seemingly more challenging road of facing the truth, which lead to connection, wholeness and purpose.

I am still in awe at the power of intention. I could not do this show by myself nor had the idea even occurred to me. Yet, because I was focused on a goal, ways to achieve that goal began to appear.