I have started to write this blog numerous times and have erased everything that I have written until now. That’s not usually the case with me. I usually write and it all just comes out and I really don’t have to think about it much. Today has been different. Until it just hit me that it might be a good time to write some inspiration.

You see for most of my life I have identified with pain. My childhood was painful, I made a lot of choices that brought me pain, and then I spent a great deal of time working through all of it. In some ways, working through all of it was the hardest for me. I spent so much of my life disconnected that I really didn’t even know what was in my heart. Once I started my healing journey, I was face to face with all that I had been running from (and all the avoidant choices I had made, which actually just brought me more pain). This may not sound inspirational thus far, but trust me I’m getting there.

Today, I get to live on the other side of all that. I’m not perfect, I have not arrived and I certainly have a lot more growing to do, yet I experience joy. So much so that at times it feels uncomfortable and I jump out of it because I’m just not used to it. For the most part, I live life here in the present and when I don’t I am very aware that I’m not present. I have purpose, I know why I’m here and I know what it is that I’m supposed to do. I feel connected to God and I trust and believe that He loves me. This is a miracle. And I want this for others because I know that it is possible.

If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, fear. hopelessness or you just feel stuck, then that is your spirit giving you a warning light that something is not right. Something needs to be dealt with and faced and you can face it. We have learned in this society that we are supposed to avoid anything negative and run to comfort. That is a death sentence. Comfort only leads to numbness. That is not how you were designed to live!

You power and strength lie in walking through the difficulties because there is another side. There is another way to live. And I fully believe that for you because I know that it is possible. We need to wake up and stop sleeping. We need to live on purpose and by purpose because that is how we were created to live. I’m not saying it’s easy and I’m not saying to just “think positive”. I’m saying face your pain. It will not go anywhere. No matter how much you try to run, duck and hide you will take you with you. You cannot escape from yourself.

So let me ask you, what are you running from? Whatever it is, it’s not worth stealing your joy. You can this, I’m certain of it.