Grief Recovery

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.

Experiencing Emotional Pain or Loss?

Experiencing Emotional Pain or Loss?

Walk through it at your own pace with me through my video courses


My book is now published on – Be one of the first to read “Living Born Again – The Uncomfortable Journey”

Who Is Sandi Derby?

Life Coach, Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist®, Author, Speaker &  Trainer

Sandi Derby has been professionally mentoring and healing others since 2010. She has helped hundreds of people transform their lives through resolving the past and living in the present.

As a Speaker, Life Coach & Certified Grief Recovery Specialist® & GRI Trainer, Sandi believes in transformational coaching from the inside out. There is no magic bullet or hidden secret to living the life you desire. What is unresolved inside of you will manifest outside of you. And until the inside is changed there will not be lasting change on the outside.

What is Grief Recovery?

One of the most misunderstood subjects in our society today is that of loss and grief. Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss. Yet, often times we do not learn the tools we need in order to process our grief and lead a life that is in the present. Grief Recovery gives us the tools we need in order to heal.

There are many types of loss that we can incur in our lifetime that create grief. Through death, divorce and many others, including break up of a romantic relationship, loss of health, changes in career, moving, changes in life space (i.e. empty nest), or even losses that we can incur in childhood through abuse or neglect.

These losses can go unattended for years by the belief that many of us have heard… “time will heal our wounds”. The sad truth is that time in and if itself does nothing to heal.

Grief Recovery Method® Workshops are designed to give you the tools and the safety required to grieve. You are well worth it.


The Grief Recovery Method® Guide for Loss


The Grief Recovery Method®
Guide for Loss

Life Coaching

Life Coaching is a fairly broad profession that encompasses guiding clients in personal and professional goals. Whether making decisions, dealing with uncertainty, relational challenges or elevating ones career, a life coach can be invaluable in assisting you in to the next level.

What does Sandi offer through Life Coaching?

As a life coach I specialize in helping others find and walk in their purpose. As we are all born with a unique finger print and heart beat it stands to reason that our differences in design mean we are also unique in our calling.

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